Exercising with No Starbucks


Ugh! I need to exercise more, but I hate exercising. I’ve purchased a treadmill and elliptical trainer that are sitting in my basement. I’ve used both of them a lot, but I usually stop because I’ve either hurt my ankle or my work schedule has allowed me to slack off. Definitely all excuses. Crap, I’ve spent at least $3,400 on my American Express card for these machines, I need to use them! I haven’t made it a priority to sweat my butt off before or after work. Three things that I’m working on this month towards my goals.

  1. Better sleep schedule with at least 6 hours. Meaning I need to be sleep by 12am!
  2. Exercising by walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes and using the elliptical trainer for 10 mins – 4 days a week during the month of January.
  3. One Starbucks visit per week.

Yes that last one, I already know a few pounds have snuck up on me by going to Starbucks multiple times per week. Between the beautiful double bacon sandwiches, the wonderful pastries, and white chocolate mochas, I’ve definitely gained a few pounds! I usually get a grande (16 oz.) with 2% milk, and no whip cream, but whoa, that’s still 430 calories; and the double bacon – that’s 490 calories! What does that mean, I need less sugar, mouth-watering sandwiches, muffins, and donuts.

I’m not getting rid of these delicious items completely because this is a not a diet but a lifestyle change. I don’t want to stop eating something that I won’t be able to eat forever. More cold cereal and oatmeal. Even instant oatmeal is better than eating bacon every other day. Once a week, I’ll do a tall white chocolate mocha, and maybe the bacon gouda sandwich!

Slow and steady wins the race!

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